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Logic Pro: Introducing Sampler

Autosampler is integrated.
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You can double-click Mapping to maximize the Mapping pane. In the Mapping pane, use the keyboard view to graphically edit zones and groups.
Or use the zone view to edit zones numerically in a table. You can also create empty zones and add samples to them, add multiple samples at once, and more. Click the Zone pop-up menu on the Mapping pane toolbar to access functions like auto-mapping, auto-looping, and more. To set start and end markers, add fade ins and fade outs, set loop points, add loop crossfades, and more without leaving the Sampler, click Zone in the Sampler toolbar.
In the Zone pane\’s waveform display, zoom in or out with pinch gestures, or scroll the waveform display using two-finger swipes or by dragging the scroll bar. You can use single-finger swipes if you\’re using a Magic Mouse. You can process your entire instrument using Sampler\’s powerful built-in synthesizer, mod matrix, and modulators. Logic Pro includes a large library of pre-designed sampler instruments like acoustic pianos, basses, strings, and horns, which you can play and record with Sampler.
If you created custom sampler instruments using the EXS24 sampler, you can open them in the Sampler, play them, and edit them in the new interface. Any zones and groups you created transfer as you created them in EXS Parameters like playback mode, pitch, and velocities all transfer as well. To load a sampler instrument created with EXS24, simply load the instrument from the Library or from the pop-up menu at the top of the Sampler window.
Sampler uses the same file extension as the EXS If you have a large library of custom sampler instruments, you can use Search Filter to find particular software instruments. Quickly create a sampler instrument To quickly create a sampler instrument, just drag one or more samples to the Navigation Bar in Sampler. To get started, create an Instrument track with Sampler: Create a software instrument track with Sampler as the instrument. Click the Sampler in the Instrument slot in the channel strip to open the Sampler window.
Drag samples from the Logic Pro browsers, the Finder, a region or cell, or even from a marquee selection on a region to one of the import options in Navigation Bar: To make an instrument from multiple samples of pitched instrument notes, such as samples of different notes of the same piano, or if you have a single sample that has multiple notes in it like a vocal sample or a bass line, choose an Optimized drop zone.
If you have multiple samples of sounds that don\’t have a particular pitch that you want assigned to MIDI notes, like drum samples, choose a Chromatic drop zone. Use Optimized to create an instrument The Optimized setting automatically determines the root notes of the zones and maps the zones across the keyboard.
Choose the Optimized drop zone that works best for the samples you\’re using: With Zone Per File, Sampler analyzes the pitch and places the samples on the right keys. If you add samples of the same pitch with different velocities, Sampler creates velocity zones. Okay, yeah, there is some similarity to the same idea in Ableton Live. You can sample straight into the tool.
Step Sequencer: a new editing view with step-based pattern editing, including note velocity, repeat, gate, skip, playback direction, and randomization. Drum Synth uses software synthesis and modeling not samples to produce kick drums, snares, toms, and percussion. Anyone getting a pattern here?
Drum Machine Designer was already in Logic, but this new version integrates with Quick Sampler and Drum Synth so that you can build kits out of those two tools.
Remix FX are here as predicted, too — Bitcrusher, filter, gater, and repeater, looking for all the world like features associated historically with Ableton Live and later with Maschine , as well as some hardware think KAOSS Pad, for one.
And yes:. Drag and drop sounds everywhere. An integrated sample engine plus drag-and-drop sampling instruments means that sampling is now a core part of the Logic workflow — not just EXS24 as an island. More on this element soon. Autosampler is integrated.
That alone might be reason to consider a move to Logic, and could easily be a topic for another article. This feature has graduated to desktop form from the iPad, but it might be more appealing in the desktop context. But that brings me to one takeaway here. But — first impression suggests Apple may have really pulled off a coup here, in a more significant way than they have in a long time.
And yes, the EXS24 overhaul is long overdue — that aspect also will deserve more detailed attention from people making soundware content. The latest Logic instruments and effects and workflows all start to look very consistent and integrated. Apple has put them together in a way that looks clear and uniquely theirs.
I have to see exactly how Live Loops fits in with this, but that is obviously relevant, too. We also start to see iOS integration that makes sense. Logic Remote lets you work with the loop grid, even browsing and adding loops, and working with remix effects. Apple has been slowly overhauling Logic ever since it first acquired the software from Emagic over a decade and a half ago — with a lot of that team still involved, and pretty consistent management on the Apple side, as well.
And zones and mapping look easy to find, as well. If you want to have several different samples play over the keyboard, just drag another file onto the area just over the keyboard and set their root key and range.
Logic Pro will automatically detect the pitches of the notes and place these into the sample window, create loop points and optimise the balance of the levels of the different Zones. If you have samples with the same root note but different velocities, Sampler will create velocity Zones. You can also use this feature if you have a single audio file with separate notes recorded in it every note on a synth, say , to save a lot of time cutting the audio into separate files.
I found the results of this to be quite hit and miss, however, as it all depends on Logic Pro correctly detecting the pitch and duration of the separate parts of the audio. This splits the audio at these points and maps the resulting splits into Zones. If you then add more audio via the import options above, another Group will be created, and both sets of samples will play back when triggered by the same MIDI note.
You can change the relative levels, pan and outputs of the Groups and decide their responsiveness to incoming velocity. In this fashion, you can quickly create complex multilayer instruments. The Synth area covers the overall pitch volume and pan of your instrument, and also houses two filters that can be arranged in series or parallel.
Exs24 sampler logic pro x free
\”Sampler\” will be in your instrument plugin list if you have x. And once again, the EXS24 has been completely replaced by \”Sampler\”. Open an EXS24 sampler instrument. If you created custom sampler instruments using the EXS24 sampler, you can open them in the Sampler, play them.